I recently watched The Winter King, the latest screen adaptation of the classic Arthurian Legend, and based on the novel by Bernard Cornwell. It was more historical drama with a touch of druid mysticism than the high-camp fantastical realism of Excalibur, the film of 1981. In this case, Cornwell seems to have based his version of King Arthur on what is thought by historians to be the most historically plausible version of the fabled King of the Britons.

Who Else Could King Arthur Have Been?

Tentative evidence suggests that if King Arthur had even existed, he would not have been a king, but rather the commander of an elite fighting force and would have lived 5 centuries before medieval legend suggests. The legendary leader, who could also have been known as Arturus, may have led the resistance of Romano-Britons against invading Saxons, Jutes, and other Northern European interlopers. Notably, confirm these Romano-Britons were pushed back to the west of Britain and are the predecessors or founding fathers of Wales. But details of individual figures involved are, however, scant.

Another theory with little evidence to support it suggests that the king may have been a Roman Centurion called Lucius Artorius Castus who led a group of Sarmatian Knights against the Picts (northern tribes) around 200 AD, about 300 years before typical Arthurian legends. The 2004 historical drama, King Arthur starring Clive Owen is constructed around Artorius.

Historyextra talks about 5 other warlords from around 100 AD to 600 AD whom modern-day Arthurian legend may be based on. These include Ambrosius Aurelianus, Constantine, Magnus Maximus, Arvirargus, and Cassivellaunus, and again, they were a combination of Romans and Britons.


These depictions and suggestions of who Arthur was are not in wild contradiction with each other and do seem to be a plausible foundation for the fabled King, be they Briton or Romano-Briton. But, to be a king, he would need a seat of power, a castle – Camelot Castle, as legend dictates. In similar fashion, there are several leading candidates for the location of Camelot which have been derived from a combination of fables, folklore, and historical stone inscriptions, rather than a structured collection of compelling primary evidence. These are Cadbury Castle, Somerset, Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, Caerloen, South Wales, and Winchester Castle, in Hampshire.

A Less Magical Past

There is not enough evidence to assert one place over the other or one version of Arthur over another (of which there are many more not depicted here). Indeed, there is not enough evidence to suggest that Camelot or Arthur, King of Britons (as we perceive Kings to be today) even existed. What is more likely is that the King Arthur figure that we indulge in today is a composite of several warlords (of Briton or Romano-Briton persuasion), who lived between 100 AD to 600 AD during the dark ages. At least for now, it’s a case of sorry to disappoint, but evidence (or lack of it), means we can’t be any more definitive. Perhaps, though, there is some value in Arthur and Camelot remaining in the realm of legend. They are surely better known and loved than many of their flesh and stone contemporaries who exist!


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English Literature IGCSE

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English Literature A level

How The Pomodoro Technique Can Help You

In a recent article, I touched on the Pomodoro technique as a means of being productive when it comes to revision over the Easter break. But, such a fleeting mention doesn’t do justice to just how useful it can be.

The What

The Pomodoro Technique is a strategy aimed at helping people who struggle to focus for long periods and have a short attention span. If you get easily distracted, the Pomodoro is definitely for you. Developed in the 1980s by a University student who struggled to focus on his studies and assignments, the Pomodoro Technique is a strategy for doing work in short stretches. Twenty-five minutes of focus broken up by five-minute breaks, with a longer break of 15-30 minutes after every fourth stretch. It’s a technique that’s applicable beyond revision and can be applied to how you work, manage tasks, and helps you completely remove procrastination as a problem—which is an issue many of us deal with, especially when it comes to those things we just don’t want to do. By breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks to deal with systematically, that mountain in front of you is reduced to a series of steps. It makes you more efficient, mitigates distraction and ultimately makes you much more accountable to yourself.

The How

The Pomodoro Technique is designed to get work done while preventing the chance of overwhelm or the temptation of distraction. It works best with a bit of preparation and with a timer beside you (that timer should not be your phone, we’re here to remove distractions not add them). To prepare, make a list of the tasks or a single large task broken down into smaller ones. Assemble everything you need and remove anything you don’t. What you’re going to do is flip your perspective from sitting down for the long haul and instead stack a series of small wins through short bursts of focused work with breaks in between.

Once you’re ready, the process is fairly straightforward:

STEP ONE: Choose the task.
STEP TWO: Set your timer and work ONLY on that singular task.
STEP THREE: Once the timer goes off take a five-minute break. Stretch your legs, grab a drink, or check your phone.
STEP FOUR: Repeat steps one to three FOUR times.
STEP FIVE: Take a longer break of between fifteen and thirty minutes. Have some lunch, walk the dog or meditate.

Keep working through the steps like a cycle as you progress through your to-do list, and you’ll soon find yourself racing through it. It may seem deceptively simple, but that’s why it works. The idea behind this method is that the timer instills a sense of urgency. Instead of sitting back with the whole day ahead of you, finding ways to put off the work, time is turned against you. The breaks are there to help you catch your breath and not burn out.

If a task overruns, simply pick it up on the next interval, while if you have tasks that you know won’t take long at all, group them. If you have a sudden revelation of something that needs doing, simply make a note and add it to the list to do later, don’t ruin your momentum by diving into that task immediately. And of course, there are always moments of unavoidable interruption. Whether it’s a knock at the door or being informed of an important phone call, it’s not the end of the world. Simply take that break there, and then start fresh with a new interval from there.

What if you finish that task before the timer is up? Don’t call it early, use your remaining time to brush up further on whatever that task is. Research it more or go over what you’ve done; you’re focused on that particular topic at that moment so it’s important to keep that focus.

Things To Note

This technique isn’t going to change your life and solve all your problems, but it can be a huge help if used properly. With that in mind, it’s important to note that it doesn’t apply to everything and has its limitations. Long-form writing isn’t always the best for this. To really get into the flow of a piece, you do need longer to get the thoughts out of your head, so save the Pomodoro technique for research, editing and planning. Timing-wise, while the windows are relatively short, as you adjust to the technique it’s important to consider lengthening the windows of focused work. As your attention span and working mind adjust to it, you’ll likely find that the short windows begin to hinder more than help and longer stints will be more beneficial. Indeed, with that in mind, you might just come to a point where one day, you may not need it.


Oxford Home Schooling offer the chance to study a number of subjects at various levels, as our home page shows. Further to what is shown on the site, you can also  Contact Us for more information.

Exam Questions On The Horizon

It might only be March, and May may seem so far away, but two things are worth mentioning: it’s never too early to be exam-ready, and time moves faster than you think it does.
So while you’re stepping up your revision, one of the best and most effective approaches is getting stuck into past exam papers. You’ll have a lot of the fundamentals of whichever subject you’re tackling in your memory already, but these questions will test how you apply what you know. It’s not just about information retention, but how you can use it alongside your problem-solving skills to reach an answer. Don’t think of them as tests but as puzzles.

The Anatomy Of An Exam Question

First of all, let’s pull apart these questions, and typically how they’re put together and the big clues they contain that will tell you what kind of response examiners are looking for (unfortunately, it won’t outright tell you the answer, just how to structure it).

The Prompt: This is the stem, the important part of the question amongst all the jargon and other information you’re given. It’s here that you’ll find the core information and the context for the question. It’s also where the imperative verbs will be that will tell you how to answer it.

Imperative Verbs: pay attention to these, because they are the indicator of just how to go about it. ‘Describe’, ‘compare’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘justify’ will all demand different answers. ‘Describe’ simply wants you to explain, while ‘compare’ will want you to look at the differences between two sets of data/sources. ‘Evaluate’ is likely going to want to you point out the flaws and the strengths of a source and decide on its reliability, and ‘justify’ will be wanting you to back up your answer using evidence from the text. These are just a few examples, so be sure to make a note of all the different ones you run into when looking at past papers, you may just notice a trend.

Supplementary Materials: these will be your data sets/graphs/images/sources depending on the exam you’re taking. It’s important to take the time to give them a good read-through. Your impulse will be to do so quickly and the temptation will be there to skim. Don’t. You’ll run the risk of misreading the information and that can derail your entire answer.

Mark Allocation: Have a glance at the marks available for the question. While not applicable to all exams (those that require longer-form responses) these can be a good indicator of just how much time and effort is required. If there are only a couple of marks at stake and you’re scratching your head at the way to answer it, chances are you’re overthinking it.

Planning Makes Perfect

Be sure to spend a few minutes before writing your answer to plan out what you’re going to say. Jot down some key arguments and examples, and highlight anything you think could be relevant. Prioritise the points you think best fit the answer, and then write. Taking the time here will help focus your writing and stop you from meandering from your point. Plus, should you run out of time, that plan will point out where your answer is going. It may not have much of a bearing on your marks, but you can’t rule out the marker not taking it into account.


Spending too much time on one question has the consequence of leaving you considerably less time for any subsequent ones. If you’re struggling with a question, the next one you may find much easier—how you’ll kick yourself if you waste time on a lost cause when you could maximise your marks elsewhere on the paper! Two partially answered questions will net you more marks than one good one and one terrible one, bear that in mind.

Using your time wisely is very important, and while it’s understandable that exam situations can cause a bit of stress, and once you get momentum in a question you can lose track of that clock; discipline with your timing is one of the most valuable assets to have in an exam.

Cross Your ‘T’s, Dot Your ‘I’s

Keep in mind to leave yourself five minutes at the end to give your answers one last read-through to catch any errant spellings and missing punctuation. The amount of marks dropped for not adhering to the fundamentals of writing keeps teachers up at night, and you wouldn’t want to lose out on a grade because you misplaced too many commas.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Do Any Of These

Panic! Of course, that’s easier said than done, but keeping your cool will help you save precious time. You can help mitigate your angst by practicing exam papers under timed conditions. It won’t solve everything, but at least it will give you one less thing to be worried about.

Waffle! Keep in mind the points above, and don’t jump straight in to writing your answer, and you’ll do well to avoid this. Long answers that dance around the point don’t score as well as concise ones that are half the length.

Dwell on it. Coming out of the exam wondering what could have been and talking to your friends comparing answers is a great way to bring your mood down. Once time is up, there is nothing else you can do. Take a break, do something to take your mind off it—then on to the next one!

There’s plenty of time between now and the exam, so use it wisely. Just remember, whatever may come results day, if you can get to the end of May and tell yourself that you tried your very best, what else could you do? Nobody can ask more of you than that.

You’ve got this, good luck.


Oxford Open Learning offer a variety of couses for study. You can see what is available by going to our home page here and scrolling to the top. You can also speak to one of our student advisers about enroling on a course by looking at our Contact Us page.

Your reading list probably asks you for newest editions of novels and textbooks. If you own some older editions of these texts already, you might think; ‘why do I need to rebuy something I already own?’ It can be an annoying question, particularly for your parent or legal guardian. After all, it’s their money! Due to cost-of-living pressures, many parents are now spending less on books for their kids. If you have an older sibling, it’s even possible your parents were planning on passing their books down to you. Unfortunately, it’s a plan that’s unlikely to succeed. So, why do you need to purchase the newest editions of books that you may already own? Well, we’ve tried to provide a few different answers to that question for you below.

Presentation for Curriculum Requirements

Over the years, the curriculums have changed. Studying is a lot more learner-friendly than it used to be. Let’s use English literature as an example. Textbooks for the subject would often present quite rigorous, factual questions, very much looking for answers that were distinctly ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. However, things began to change in the mid-1990s.

Some of the textbooks for English literature test pupils quite differently today. Now, schoolkids and home learners alike are tested on more interpretative questions, ones where your reading of the text is more important. You’re allowed to argue your points, and so long as they’re well-structured, well-written, and well-reasoned points, they’re generally marked favourably. It might seem tempting to get an older textbook for a more affordable price, but you’ll also be subjecting yourself to a different mode of learning when it comes to English literature. One that’s incompatible with modern curriculums! That difference likely extends to several other subjects as well.

The Condition of the Book

You might agree that, generally, many people don’t treat their books very well. Instead of arranging them neatly on a shelf at home, some of these books might live in bags or under furniture for months at a time, folded and creased. Others might doodle in their books, spill drinks on the pages, or even playfully use them as weapons against friends. They can also be rudely vandalised for a laugh. So, publishers quite understandably think that passing these texts down and around isn’t always a good idea. Older editions are bound to carry a few ‘battle scars’.
So, if your reading lists ask you for a new edition of a text, it possibly means the person curating it may be trying to evade some of these common issues. It’s not a guarantee – new editions of a text are typically released every 3-4 years with most publishers. Still, the newest edition of a text is harder to buy or borrow second-hand. It all means your learning is less likely to be interrupted, and you can enjoy the reading precisely as intended.

Author Changes

Many authors publish their books and insist the first copy is the final copy. They can get quite touchy about it, believing their integrity and reputation as a writer is on the line.
Others take a more relaxed approach when it comes to making changes. It’s still quite rare they do so, but it does happen! For example, Stephen King rewrote the ending of his 1978 novel, ‘The Stand’, revising the ending once in 1990, and then again for the 2020 TV miniseries adaptation. You’re unlikely to read a Stephen King text for study before university, but the larger point here is that even high-calibre authors do make changes, sometimes. The changes aren’t typically small, either. They can be so large that they fundamentally alter the message and mood of a text. So, in buying the newest edition, you can be sure that you’re grappling with the most relevant copy of a fiction.

Textbooks Can be Wrong

It’s easy to think of study as memorising bulletproof facts. Empirical information is presented to you with great authority, and your learning is rightly taken quite seriously. However, it’s not just authors that might like to change things around. It’s also true that so-called ‘factual’ textbooks can be wrong. After all, even long held scientific understandings about the age of the universe can later be questioned or even outright disproved. The knowledge of the human race is pretty ‘far off’ sometimes, and that’s okay.

This doesn’t mean everything you’re reading is redundant. However, it does mean that buying the latest edition of a text means that you’re more likely to engage with information that is accurate, up-to-date, and has been revised and amended as many times as possible. It also teaches you a valuable a lesson, too; that the learning journey never ends. Professional scientists and scholars are always experimenting and updating their knowledge, presenting incorrect answers to eventually find the correct ones. Equipped with that understanding, you may approach your own learning more comfortably and confidently. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes!

Bonus Material

Newest editions of a text often come with bonus material to make a purchase more enticing for consumers. Some of these add-ons can benefit you during your home learning. You’ll likely know what an appendix is. It’s a section of nonessential writing at the end of an academic text. It’s bonus material, featuring anything from quick notes to scanned letters and maps. Sometimes these are updated for newer editions of books and provide unique insights into the text you’re reading. However, appendices in older editions are not always reprinted for newest editions. It may vary on a text-by-text basis!

Newer editions of a text may also feature better quality, brand-new, and more frequent illustrations, graphs, and other visual spectacles too. It may seem like a small thing, but these additions can break up an overwhelming wall of text and make it more engaging to engage with as a result.

So, there you have it. In reading the points above, we hope you’ve come to understand that newest editions of books bring you, as the reader, ‘closer’ to the text. You can more easily understand and relate to what’s written and the people who wrote it, which should benefit you greatly on your learning journey!


Oxford Home Schooling offer the chance to study a range of subjects at a number of levels. You can see which are available by scrolling to the top of our Home page here. You can also speak to an adviser to get more details. To find out how to Contact Us, click here.

You may well have heard the phrase ‘Beware the Ides of March’ – but if you have not, let me tell you about this day – 15th March – and how its name came about.

The Ides Of March Were Not Always So Bad

Hundreds of years ago, the word ‘Ides’ referred to the first full moon of a given month. This usually fell between the 13th and 15th of the month. It was, historically, a time for celebration and rejoicing – but this is actually quite different to the associations with the phrase today.

The Ides of March is known fell on the 74th day in the Roman calendar – the 15th of March. It was, many years ago, a significant date for observing various religious occasions, and also known as a deadline for settling debts in Rome. And back in 44 BC, the 15th of March was the date that Julius Caesar was killed, or rather, assassinated (depicted above – just one of many portrayals). If you read Shakespeare’s play of the same name, that infamous phrase ‘Beware the Ides of March’ is said to him – art imitating life, essentially. So, you can probably see why such a phrase, and a date, are significant, particularly as turning points in the history of Rome. With Caesar being stabbed to death – a very brutal way to die – the date has become synonymous with curses and negativity for many a year.

Dramatic Licence

Interestingly, many modern TV programmes and films have used the Ides of March in their scripts. Some people think this links back to what happened to Julius Caesar; others believe it can be more closely associated with Shakespeare’s famous line. You may have seen and heard references to it in all manner of TV shows, from ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ – where the protagonist is threatened – to ‘The Simpsons’ episode ‘Homer the Great’, with an ominous prediction pronounced by Lisa. Likewise, The Ides Of March has appeared in the script of many a film. In 2011, it was the title of a political drama starring Ryan Gosling and George Clooney, which dealt with similar (but metaphorical) back-stabbing scenes.

After all these years, it’s fascinating how one day has become so strongly associated with negativity. Do you know about any other days in our modern calendar that have had their origins tarnished and changed in quite so bad a way? Do you think we should be wary of 15th March? I will leave it up to you to decide.


If you would like to study History as a subject, Oxford Home Schooling offers courses to do so at a variety of levels. You can find out more by clicking on any of the subjects listed below. You can also access our Contact Us page here.

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Nikola Tesla was a famed inventor best known for his work in developing the alternating-current (AC) electrical system and Tesla Coil. He was a brilliant but modest man who spoke eight languages and had a photographic memory. His inventions changed the lives for future generations; we can power our homes with just the flick of the switch, listen to our favourite songs delivered on radio waves and buy electric cars branded in his name. Yet despite these incredible achievements, Tesla has often been underappreciated for his work and spent most of his life in poverty.

The History Behind The Man

Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1956. Even before immigrating to the United States to start his career as an inventor, Tesla always aspired to become an engineer. His dreams were met with resistance from his father, a priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church, who insisted he follow in his footsteps. His mother, however, spurred on his interest in electrical devices and the world of invention; She herself invented small household appliances during her spare time. Nikola followed his calling and went on to study mechanical and electrical engineering at the Polytechnic school in Graz, Austria.

The Early Work Of Nikola Tesla

Tesla was constantly inventing. Even while working as a telephone line repairman, he would tinker around with the equipment and through this invented a precursor to the loudspeaker – although he never filed a patent for it. It was, unfortunately this lack of business acumen that affected his financial success throughout his life. In 1884, Nikola moved to America and started working with the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Their working relationship was, however short-lived; Edison was a businessman who had strong ideas for developing his direct current (DC) and also took advantage of Tesla’s own designs and work. After helping Edison to overcome a series of engineering problems, Tesla was offered very little in the way of remuneration and was also refused a pay rise. Because of their personal and scientific differences, they parted ways after just a year of working together.

The Battle Of DC vs AC

Soon after his departure, Tesla went on to develop his polyphase system of AC dynamos, transformers and motors at Westinghouse Electric Co. Edison believed that DC was the future for electricity distribution – which at the time, was the standard form of electricity supply in the USA. Tesla however, believed that due to the difficulty DC had travelling long distances and its voltage inflexibility, AC would provide the answer by overcoming these issues. With the help of promotional events, including the illumination of the Chicago World Fair in 1893, Tesla finally convinced the nation to adopt AC electricity.

The Tesla Coil

On top of his other inventions, Tesla imagined a method of transmitting electricity around the world without the need for wires or cables. It was here that he unveiled one of his most important inventions – the Tesla Coil – a high-frequency transformer capable of creating a very high voltage at a low current. Early radio antennas were able to harness the ability of the coil, which could transmit and receive radio signals that were tuned to resonate at the same frequency. The coil was so effective that it is still used today in modern day radio technology.

Throughout his lifetime, Tesla had filed over 700 patents, although many of ideas weren’t brought to fruition. He made a profound impact in the scientific world and with his invention of AC electricity, helped Thomas Edison bring the electric light bulb to the masses.


If you are interested in the study of Sciences, Oxford Home Schooling offers a number of courses to do so, at a variety of levels. You can see them below, and can Contact Us Here.

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Book Recommendations For The New Year

Following up from my New Year suggestions last week, here are two more recommendations to build on your knowledge without taxing the brain. January and February may be cold and dark, but with these, it definitely won’t be boring.

The Guinness Book Of World Records 2024

There are a number of things that make up the experience of being a kid. The Magic Key, SATs, selective hearing when it comes to grown-ups… but there’s probably one thing that stands out from all of them: The Guinness Book of World Records. And in 2024, it’s no different.

The Guinness Book Of World Records first came about in 1951. Sir Hugh Beaver, then managing director of the Guinness Brewery, was arguing about the fastest bird in Europe. When he couldn’t find an answer (bearing in mind there was no Google back then) he decided that he would take matters into his own hands. In 1955, the first edition of the Guinness Book of World Records was released and sold alongside the beer. 69 years later, sadly for adults it no longer comes with beer, but for children, it has become one of the best books to read every year. Tracking all sorts of records from the strange to the sublime and the outright silly, it’s a book that’s been on Christmas lists every year.

The 2024 edition is more packed than ever before as well, digging into the past 2,000 years of history for some of its greatest achievements, and weird ones too: have you ever wondered how far a knight can be catapulted? Well somebody did about a thousand years ago. This edition is also super accessible. Bite-sized chunks of text, surrounded by brilliant images and 3-D pullouts, make for an easy read. There’s even extra content online, scannable through QR codes in the book. You won’t find learning any easier or more fun. For less than a tenner as well!

Weird But True!

Did you know that Olympic Gold Medals are actually made of silver? Weird, but true.

The Weird But True! series by National Geographic Kids has become a phenomenon in the world of children’s literature, captivating younger readers with its unique blend of mind-bending facts, vibrant visuals, and playful approach to learning. The 2024 edition is no different.

Similar to the Guinness Book Of World Records, there are no reams and reams of text to try and read through, just plenty of images with interesting facts. It’s eye-catching, but it will keep your attention thanks to just how weird things get. Want to see robots play football? Or play a game where you guess which poo belongs to which animal? You can do that here. And when things do get weird enough to need an explanation, everything is laid out so well and so simply that you’ll feel like an expert on the subject. It covers pretty much everything too; history, science, technology, animals, people, and more. There is plenty packed into its 256 pages.

Weird But True! is a great alternative to Google when it comes to learning without screens. It’s a great resource for any young and inquisitive mind looking to learn about just how odd our little planet is, even reluctant readers can pick this up… and likely not put it down as well.

If you want to see the titles I have suggested previously, you can follow the link here, to find out.


You can study History or Science with Oxford Home Schooling at a variety of levels, listed below. Click on the subject you may be interested in or Contact us for further details.

History Key Stage 3

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History IGCSE

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A Controversial Chess Champion

Bobby Fischer, born on January 9th, 1943, in Chicago, Illinois, was an American chess prodigy whose unparalleled talent and intense personality left an indelible mark on the world of chess. His life and career were characterised by extraordinary achievements, a meteoric rise to fame, and controversial moments that often overshadowed his chess brilliance.

It Was His Sister’s Fault

Bobby Fischer’s introduction to the game of chess came at the tender age of six when his sister bought him a set. This seemingly innocuous purchase ignited a passion that would shape his destiny. By the age of thirteen, he had become the youngest-ever United States Chess Champion, a record that still stands. This early chess prowess demonstrated Bobby Fischer to possess a level of intuition and strategic understanding that far surpassed his years.

Despite facing financial hardships, Fischer’s mother, Regina, was a driving force in supporting his burgeoning talent. She home-schooled him, emphasising chess and other intellectual pursuits. Fischer’s prodigious talent quickly caught the attention of the chess world, and he emerged as a rising star in international chess competitions.

King Of The Board

The breakthrough of Bobby Fischer onto the world stage occurred in 1958. It wasn’t too dissimilar to that of current young darts sensation Luke Littler, who’s taken the country by storm with his outrageous talent. When Fischer became the youngest grandmaster in history at the age of fifteen, he set a record that remained unbroken for many years. His ascension continued as he dominated various tournaments, solidifying his reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the chess world.

One of the most iconic achievements of Bobby Fischer was his victory in the 1972 World Chess Championship held in Reykjavik, Iceland. Facing the Soviet Union’s reigning champion, Boris Spassky, Fischer’s eccentric demands and erratic behaviour during the match became as notable as his exceptional play. This event, dubbed the “Match of the Century,” marked the first time an American had claimed the title, and it transcended chess, capturing the world’s attention during the height of the Cold War.

Like the Space Race of the ’60s, Fischer and Spassky were part of their country’s respective propaganda machines as the Cold War continued to simmer throughout the early ‘70s. The two of them were pawns themselves, with Fischer’s victory over Spassky having broader implications, symbolising an ideological triumph for the West over the Soviet Union.

The impact of Bobby Fischer thus extended beyond the chessboard, elevating him to the status of a cultural icon. However, his reign as world champion was short-lived, as he refused to defend his title in 1975 due to disputes with FIDE, the international chess federation.

A Real Bobby Dazzler

Beyond the World Championship, Fischer’s list of achievements is staggering. He won the U.S. Championship eight times, and his performances in various international tournaments showcased a dominance that few players have achieved. His approach to the game was characterised by a deep understanding of positional play, combined with an aggressive and tactical style that often left opponents struggling to keep up.

One of Fischer’s most memorable accomplishments was his stunning 11-0 victory in the 1963-64 U.S. Championship, a feat unmatched in the history of the tournament. This remarkable achievement solidified his reputation as a chess genius and further fueled the growing fascination with his exceptional skills.

The Darker Side Of Bobby Fischer

Fischer’s brilliance on the chessboard was often accompanied by controversy off it. His idiosyncrasies, perfectionism, and uncompromising personality contributed to a series of tumultuous incidents throughout his career. Erratic behaviour during matches, including that against Spassky in Iceland, saw last-minute demands and disputes with organisers become synonymous with his complex persona.

The pinnacle of Fischer’s controversial moments was his refusal to defend his world title in 1975. Disputes over match conditions, financial disagreements, and grievances with FIDE led Fischer to forfeit the championship to Anatoly Karpov. Fischer’s decision to step away from competitive chess for nearly twenty years only added to the mystique surrounding his legacy.

Later in life, controversial statements by Bobby Fischer took a turn for the more extreme. They became more inflammatory, and his anti-Semitic remarks further tarnished his public image. He threw out conspiracy theories involving Jews directed at sabotaging him. He also told a radio station in the Philippines on September 11th, 2001 that the terrorist attacks were “wonderful news”.
Fischer’s reclusive tendencies and legal troubles, including his arrest in 2004 for violating international sanctions by playing a rematch against Spassky in Yugoslavia, compounded the complexities of his post-chess life.


In 2008, at the age of 64, Bobby Fischer passed away in Reykjavik, Iceland, where he had achieved his greatest triumph. His legacy remains a dichotomy of genius and controversy, with his contributions to chess immortalised. From his early days as a child prodigy to his triumphs on the world stage and the controversies that surrounded him, the impact of Bobby Fischer on the world of chess is undeniably profound. His contributions, both on and off the chessboard, continue to shape the way we perceive the game and its enigmatic figures, making him an enduring if complex icon in the Chess world.

Daring Spies And Silent Saboteurs

Tales of espionage and covert operations have often been dominated by male protagonists. Yet, history has shown that women played a pivotal and often unheralded role in intelligence-gathering and sabotage, particularly during World War II. This article delves into the hidden stories of British female secret agents, shedding light on their extraordinary contributions and unwavering courage.

The Unsung Heroes

While names like Ian Fleming and Alan Turing have achieved iconic status, many British women who served as secret agents during the war remained unsung heroes. Their stories were shrouded in secrecy, often for decades, to protect their identities and the ongoing work of intelligence agencies. These women came from all walks of life and backgrounds, each contributing her unique skills and determination to the war effort.

World War Two, The SOE and ‘F Section’

The Special Operations Executive (SOE) was a British organisation tasked with conducting espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe during World War II. Within the SOE, the ‘F Section’ was established, specifically focusing on female agents. This section became the crucible of heroism for many British women.

Vera Atkins: The ‘Spymistress’

Vera Atkins, herself of Romanian-Jewish descent, was a key figure in the SOE. She joined the organisation in 1941 and quickly rose to prominence. Atkins, known as the ‘Spymistress,’ played a vital role in recruiting, training, and deploying female agents behind enemy lines. She maintained detailed records on each agent, tirelessly working to discover their fates after the war.

The French Connection

Many British female agents were sent to France, a highly dangerous posting due to the heavy German occupation. These agents, trained in skills ranging from wireless communications to cryptography, played pivotal roles in transmitting intelligence to the Allies, coordinating resistance movements, and gathering vital information on enemy troop movements.

Noor Inayat Khan: Radio Operator Extraordinaire

One of the most celebrated agents was Noor Inayat Khan, a British-Indian wireless operator. Noor was the first female radio operator sent into France, and her bravery under extreme pressure was nothing short of remarkable. Despite being captured by the Gestapo, she never revealed crucial information. Sadly, she paid the ultimate price for her loyalty.

Noor’s sacrifice shows how the work of these female agents was conducted under constant threat, with the Gestapo’s vigilant eye always searching for any signs of espionage. Agents faced perilous journeys, uncooperative resistance networks, and the ever-present fear of capture, torture, and as in her case, execution.

The Legacy Of British Female Secret Agents

The stories of these extraordinary women are finally receiving the recognition they deserve. Their courage, resourcefulness, and determination helped turn the tide of the war, and their legacy continues to inspire generations. The bravery of British female secret agents, whether working as wireless operators, couriers, or saboteurs, shows the indomitable spirit of those who fought in the shadows to bring about the downfall of tyranny. They are a reminder that heroism knows no gender. These women, often uncelebrated during their lifetimes, made invaluable contributions to the Allied war effort.

In the winter months, I love to have a physical challenge to prepare for – usually, this is a 10k run, or a half marathon. It’s tough, yes, crawling out of bed in the dark depths of a January morning, and hitting the pavements, roads and lanes close to where I live. But… it’s worth it. After the fun and festivities of Christmas, it is fantastic to have something to aim for – and the buzz that physical activity provides is hard to beat.

It isn’t just the new year that brings about such interests, though. In fact, they happen all year round. However, there are some well-known events that have been going for many years. One of these started – wait for it – in 1864 and apart from 2020, when it was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has taken place every year. The Mathematicians amongst you will be able to easily work out that means it has been taking place for over 150 years!

The Peter Pan Cup

The event I am referring to is the Christmas Day Peter Pan Swimming Cup in London. It takes place in the Serpentine (not just for geese!), a famous lake in Hyde Park. Famously, it requires participants to swim 100 yards (just over 90 metres) through its winter waters. That’s not far, really, but far enough, I’d well imagine, when it may be bitterly cold and you’re outdoors!

You may be wondering as to why the race is named after Peter Pan? Well, J.M.Barrie, the author who wrote the stories about the boy who never grew up, donated the first physical race cup in 1903, and it also being the year Peter Pan debuted on the London stage… the name stuck. To this day, the original cup remains the one presented to the race winner. Amazingly, it is also likely the oldest continuously-swum race in the world.

This historic race could be one you’ll wish to add to your something-to your “bucket list”! It’s not easy to take part in, though – you have to qualify first, which means being a member of the local Serpentine Swimming Club. The list of those who can take part is published the week before Christmas. Although obviously a challenge, it isn’t just for young people. Over the years, runners in their 80s have taken part.

A Winter Running Resolution

Coming back to running, one of its core benefits is the simple fact that it can be done anywhere with minimum equipment. Okay, so it might be pouring with rain, but you can still run! If it’s icy, it might be a bit tricky, but you just have to choose a place that is safe under foot. It’s no wonder that running is popular – it likely evolved over 4 million years ago and early humans, who had to hunt for food, probably developed their involvement in the sport for this reason.

So, if your new year’s resolution is one aiming to burn off those extra calories consumed over the festive season, grab your running shoes and hit the road!