Jane Redfern Jones, Author at Homeschooling

    Articles by Jane Redfern Jones

    Jane originally trained as a counsellor way back in the 1990s. At the time she had a horticultural business and experimented with horticultural therapy which she found to be very effective. In 1997 She started nurse training and obtained her Bachelor of Nursing degree in the year 2000. She then worked for several years in the NHS and in private practice. She was a columnist and speaker for the Nursing Standard journal for 17 years and is currently completing training as a clinical hypnotherapist. She now prefers a more holistic and natural approach to life and health and specialises in offering workshops in wild art ecotherapy focusing on improving energy, mindfulness and self-compassion. She was a school governor for twelve years (six as chair of governors) at a large primary school and is particularly interested in creativity and mindfulness in education.

    choosing to Home Educate

    Why I Chose To Home Educate My Child

    … I felt the pushing for government targets, the associated paperwork and policies, all overshadowed the well-being of the children. I was also concerned that creativity and physical education were being pushed out by these targets and always had that same niggling doubt in my mind that ‘maybe this isn’t the best way’.