The Benefits of Homeschooling | Learn At Home | Oxford Home Schooling

    The Benefits of Homeschooling

    From increased academic autonomy to a more encouraging learning environment, there’s a multitude of advantages to homeschooling. Whichever homeschooling style you and your children subscribe to, they’ll get to enjoy an education which goes further than the standard one-size-fits-all curriculum, and can be tailored to them as individuals. With this in mind, it’s no surprise homeschooling is more popular than ever, with more and more families making the switch every year. If you’re thinking about transitioning your children into homeschool, take a look at some of the benefits we’ve outlined below; there could be more to consider than you might think.

    Academic Benefits

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    Design your own curriculum

    While state and private schools teach the National Curriculum, you don’t have to stick to this if you’re homeschooling your children. It might function as a useful baseline, but you can opt to focus more on the subjects your child enjoys, or add in certain elements which are important to your family, such as religious studies, physical education or music. This kind of flexibility might be especially beneficial if your child excels in a specific field – for example, if they’re promising performing artists, or talented athletes – as you can allow them more time for these subjects, so they can pursue their passions.

    Enjoy a bespoke timetable

    With homeschooling, you and your children have the freedom to choose when and where you’re going to study. If mornings seem more productive, you can schedule an early start, or if you find the day works better with a longer break in the middle, that’s up to you. You don’t have to implement a regular timetable at all if it’s a struggle to maintain – you can be as flexible as you like.

    Child-led education

    Learning works better when you’re having fun, and with homeschooling, your children can take the lead determining what and how they’d like to learn. You can spend more time on areas of particular interest, or skip topics altogether if they don’t feel relevant. Your children can also benefit from one-on-one teaching, with learning methods altered specifically to suit their strengths, rather than catering to a whole class.

    Social and Pastoral Benefits

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    Builds confidence

    Many children – especially those with conditions which can impact learning, such as dyslexia or ADHD – find it daunting to contribute in classes at school. They’re likely to be far more comfortable asking questions or making suggestions in a home environment, without their peers observing. Over time, this will help them to build on their academic confidence, making them better independent learners in the long run.

    No peer pressure

    With homeschooling, there’s also far less pressure to be good at the same things as the rest of the peer group. Whether your children are artistic, sporty, musical or just love to read, they’ll fit in just fine at home. If your children are particularly gifted, they won’t face any stigma from advancing beyond the material of their age group, so they can enjoy their progression without fearing embarrassment.

    Minimises the risk of bullying

    Homeschooling is a brilliant option for children who have been bullied, or are especially nervous at school. You remove the risk of your children being harassed by other students, and have a better idea of what they’re getting up to everyday. Homeschooling is a safe and private space, where your children can enjoy learning without feeling self-conscious.

    Find a support network

    Once you’ve taken your children out of school, it’s a good idea to look into the wider homeschooling community. There are plenty of local and online support groups who can offer advice and solidarity; this is a great way to find other parents who have made the same choice as you, as well as other homeschooled students for your children to meet.

    Other Benefits

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    No school run

    As you’re not bound to a conventional school timetable, you don’t have to do the school run! No manic mornings getting your children packed up and no after work rush to collect them – you can begin your day as and when you please; this is especially helpful with teenage children who tend to favour a later start.

    Cheaper than private school

    While there are some inevitable costs with homeschooling, there are no tuition fees, school lunches or expensive school trips to pay for. Instead, you can set yourself a budget for learning materials, resources, tutoring and field trips, so you get to choose exactly how much is spent on each subject.


    As well as avoiding the school run, you won’t need to work around conventional holidays and term times, so you can take your children away whenever you’d like – whether it be for an educational or recreational trip.

    You can find more information on homeschool supplies, and how to start homeschooling here. If you’ve already made the decision to teach your children at home, take a look at the wide range of Oxford Home Schooling courses for Key Stage 3, GCSE and A Level students.

    What resources can Oxford Home Schooling provide?

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    If you choose to educate your children with Oxford Home Schooling, you will receive a variety of home school resources to help make sure you and your child can succeed.

    Learning resources

    Upon contacting us, one of our Student Advice team will assess you and give you guidance on which courses we think would be best for your child. Whichever you choose, you will receive interactive and accessible learning materials that have been written by experts, in a package that is tailor-made to your child’s wants and needs.

    Tutor support

    While you will be responsible for your child’s learning at home, we offer support on understanding our courses and the educational methods that are available to you. For more information on your role as mentor to your child, click here.

    Exam support

    Arranging exams can sometimes be troublesome for home schooling parents, which is why we will provide you with advice on how to access them. While we cannot provide a venue, we will help you find one nearby.


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    It’s homeschooling more effective than private school?

    If your children require a lot of direct tutoring time to learn, or prefer not to be in a larger group of their peers, homeschooling can be both cheaper and more effective than private school. There are still some inevitable expenses, such as your curriculum and learning materials, but your children will receive personalised education, without the fees of a private institution.

    What are the advantages of homeschooling?

    There are many advantages to homeschooling, but here are some of the most significant benefits to think about, if you’re considering making the switch:

    • You choose their curriculum

    • Flexible timetable

    • Increased time with your family

    • More time to be creative

    • Scope to spend more time outside

    • Learning methods to suit your children

    • Boosts academic confidence

    • Cheaper than private school

    • No risk of bullying

    Is it a good idea to be homeschooled?

    Due to the academic and personal flexibility it provides, many families find homeschooling the most successful way of ensuring their children get a full-time education. However, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach; before you make the decision to home school, it’s worth weighing up whether it’s a good fit for your family.

    Do universities accept homeschoolers?

    Yes, plenty of universities accept students who have been homeschooled. In fact, the application process is similar to that which pupils at conventional schools would use. Getting into a university or college might prove more difficult if your children aren’t taking any formal qualifications, but there are always alternative means of accessing higher education.