… And Does Earth Have Any?

A quasi-moon, also known as a quasi-satellite, is a celestial body that temporarily orbits a planet, but is not gravitationally bound to it in the same way as a natural moon. Instead, a quasi-moon follows a complicated and often irregular path around the planet, sometimes staying in orbit for a considerable amount of time before being ejected into space or drawn into a different orbit.


Perhaps the most well-known quasi-moon has, until recently, been Zoozve. This is an asteroid that appears to be in orbit around Venus. A closer inspection of its celestial journey, however, reveals clearly that it is not gravitationally bound to the planet. Rather, Zoozve goes around Venus and the Sun in a complex and unstable orbit which means it will be ejected from this quasi-satellite orbit or get drawn into another orbit.

Far Away And Close To Home

What’s fascinating about Quasi-moons is that although astrophysicists as far back as 1913 had predicted their existence, the theory was not confirmed until 2002 when Brian Skiff (of the Lowell Observatory) discovered Zoovze. Since this discovery, 8 more quasi-moons have been found; one associated with Neptune and 7 others that are orbiting alongside Earth. Neptune’s quasi-satellite doesn’t have a name but is referred to as 2007 RW 10 and has been in this state for around 12,500 years. It is believed that it will remain the same for just as many more.

The 7 confirmed current quasi-satellites of Earth are 469219 Kamoʻoalewa and (164207) 2004 GU9, as well as (277810) 2006 FV35, 2014 OL339, 2013 LX28, 2020 PP1, and 2023 FW13, which is the most recently discovered.

Quasi Moon 2023FW13

The new-found quasi-moon 2023 FW13 was first noticed last year on March 28 by the Pan-STARRS observatory and was confirmed by 3 other observatories before being officially revealed on the 1st of April. Experts believe that it has been orbiting the earth since 100 BC and will do so for another 1,500 years. Perhaps reassuringly, tt is thought to be the most stable earth-associated, quasi-satellite ever discovered!


If you want to study a science subject, Oxford Home Schooling offers the chance to do so at a variety of levels, listed below. You can also Contact Us here.

Science Key Stage 3

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Human Biology

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What You Need To Know About AI: A Beginner’s Guide To What The Future Holds by Brian David Johnson

Artificial Intelligence is a bit of a big topic at the minute. A couple of years ago it was just a villain in science fiction, but now it seems like evil sentient robots are here and ready to take over the working world… and do your homework for you. For a lot of people it’s a scary topic because it’s something we see and hear about in the news and online but don’t understand what AI is. Is it really going to take over the world? Or is it actually going to help us achieve some really cool things? Well, artificial intelligence expert Brian David Johnson is on hand to help with his book, aimed at younger minds, What You Need To Know About AI. It’s a beginner’s guide to artificial intelligence, starting off with a very youth-friendly explanation of what it is (fortunately it is not a collection of sentient toasters looking to take over the world) and then dipping into what it can be used for and where it may help us in the future.


As its title says, the guide helps you learn everything you need to know about AI, from how it helps us discover the epic stuff up in space or under the sea, to whether it will help you build your very own dinosaur, and why. It’s presented in short and easy bites of information, with some great little illustrations to go alongside. It’s not a big, long, boring essay full of words you won’t understand, but written in such a way that the understanding will come easily. You’ll probably understand things so well after reading it that you’ll be able to explain everything to somebody who’s never even touched a computer!

Over the course of the book, you’ll learn where AI came from, and how it’s already being used in the world of sport, space, medicine, animals and more. You will discover the amazing possibilities of AI, that might shape the future. Along the way, you’ll learn super cool facts, bust some myths, and gain a balanced and informed view on one of the the biggest topics of our time. Mixed in with it all is a message about how you can use AI positively and help engineer a better future. So if you or anyone you know is a little bit scared of what AI is, you can use this book to put those fears to rest!

Get Ahead Of The Trend

This book has been a great help to plenty of teachers across the world in understanding AI and is a great starting point for young, curious minds looking to the future and how the world might look when they’re older. It will be of great interest to those who might be thinking they want to work in computing or some other field of Science and technology when they’re older. AI will certainly play a an ever-increasing role within those sectors.

And no, artificial intelligence didn’t write this to try and fool you all. Prove it, you say? Chicken nuggets, Spider-Man. A robot wouldn’t write something daft like that now, would it?


If you are interested in studying a Science subject, English or English Literature, Oxford Home Schooling offers the chance to do so at a variety of levels, listed below. You can also Contact Us for further details by clicking on this link.

English Key Stage 3 

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English GCSE

English Literature GCSE

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English Literature IGCSE

Human Biology IGCSE

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The 7 Major Types Of Electromagnetic Waves And What They Do

To fully understand electromagnetic waves we should familiarise ourselves with the electromagnetic spectrum, (or the EM spectrum), representing all the electromagnetic radiation in the universe. This type of energy is distributed throughout space in the form of electric and magnetic waves. It allows for the transfer of both energy and information.

Spectrum Placement

There are seven electromagnetic groups on the EM Spectrum. On the left of the spectrum exist Radio waves which have the lowest frequency and the longest wavelengths. Planets, stars, and even lightning emit radio waves, and of course, humans use radio waves to communicate sound and information.

Similarities And Differences

Microwaves come next on the EM spectrum, followed by infrared, visible light (the one we can see), Ultraviolet, X-rays, and Gamma rays. What these types of EM radiation have in common is that they all travel at the same speed in the vacuum of space, which is the speed of light. They differ in the fact that each form of EM radiation has a different wavelength and frequency range giving it different qualities.

For example, radio waves are great for communicating information for TV and radio as their long wavelengths allow them to transfer data over long distances within minimal signal degradation.

Microwaves (and radio waves), have long wavelengths and give scientists unique visibility into dense molecular clouds containing nascent stars. These same qualities make microwaves perfect for cooking as their frequencies can penetrate molecules found in food.

Infrared is a great heat source due to its ability to release heat from chemical bonds and it is also used in night vision cameras/goggles.

Visible light of course allows humans to see and do tasks, and UV radiation can help humans produce Vitamin D and is increasingly used to sterilize water.

Gamma radiation has profound medical applications allowing doctors to target and destroy cancer cells.

We know now that a journey to the centre of the earth would be nowhere near as fantastic as Jules Verne’s depiction, with dinosaurs, secret civilisations and sunken cities. Rather, it would be more like a hi-tech, brute force drilling exercise through gigatonnes of rock, much like what was seen in the 2003 science-fiction disaster movie, The Core. The film depicted a group of scientists who constructed a super drill to take them to the centre of the earth to restart the its core with a nuclear bomb. Well, if a bunch of pioneering scientists really took that journey, this is what they would find…

Journey To The Centre Of The Earth: Mariana To Mantle

Just like in the movie the scientists would probably start the journey at the bottom of the the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which at 11km in depth, would cut out a lot of unnecessary drilling. Initially, they would encounter the Earth’s crust. This is the outermost layer of the Earth, ranging from about 20 to 80 kilometres in thickness beneath the continents and about 8 kilometres beneath the ocean floor. This explains why it would make sense to enter the earth through the thinner oceanic crust.

Beneath the crust lies the mantle, a layer of mostly solid rock made of iron, magnesium, and silicon that extends to a depth of approximately 2,900 kilometres. The mantle is dense, hot and semi-solid. and for any pioneering geonauts, they would be drilling through a caramel candy like substance. In the cooler first 200 kilometres of the mantle, they could encounter diamonds in crystalline form.

Outer And Inner Core

The next part of this geological journey to the centre of the earth would be the outer core, which is made of iron and nickel and is in pure liquid form, sitting around 5000 to 3000 kilometres below the surface. It’s heated by the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, and the liquid churns in a huge turbulent current, which would make for a bumpy ride for any geonaut traversing it. These currents create electrical current and generate the earth’s magnetic field.

Having navigated the radioactive swamp of the outer core our geonauts would now arrive at the Earth’s core proper, the subject of the far-fetched disaster movie I referenced earlier. This is a sold metal sphere made from nickel and iron. With a radius of about 1,200 kilometres it has a temperature of 5,400 degrees Celsius which is almost as hot as the surface of the sun. Pressures here are thought to be 3,000,000 million times greater than on the surface of the earth. It’s mind-blowing! Scientists believe there may be an inner, inner core built of iron and the temperatures and pressures here would be unimaginable!

Such a journey might be purely hypothetical, but it is nonetheless an interesting one to make.


If you are interested in studying Geography or a Science subject, Oxford Home Schooling offers the chance to do so at a variety of levels, listed below. You can also Contact Us via this link.

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Nikola Tesla was a famed inventor best known for his work in developing the alternating-current (AC) electrical system and Tesla Coil. He was a brilliant but modest man who spoke eight languages and had a photographic memory. His inventions changed the lives for future generations; we can power our homes with just the flick of the switch, listen to our favourite songs delivered on radio waves and buy electric cars branded in his name. Yet despite these incredible achievements, Tesla has often been underappreciated for his work and spent most of his life in poverty.

The History Behind The Man

Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian empire) in 1956. Even before immigrating to the United States to start his career as an inventor, Tesla always aspired to become an engineer. His dreams were met with resistance from his father, a priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church, who insisted he follow in his footsteps. His mother, however, spurred on his interest in electrical devices and the world of invention; She herself invented small household appliances during her spare time. Nikola followed his calling and went on to study mechanical and electrical engineering at the Polytechnic school in Graz, Austria.

The Early Work Of Nikola Tesla

Tesla was constantly inventing. Even while working as a telephone line repairman, he would tinker around with the equipment and through this invented a precursor to the loudspeaker – although he never filed a patent for it. It was, unfortunately this lack of business acumen that affected his financial success throughout his life. In 1884, Nikola moved to America and started working with the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Their working relationship was, however short-lived; Edison was a businessman who had strong ideas for developing his direct current (DC) and also took advantage of Tesla’s own designs and work. After helping Edison to overcome a series of engineering problems, Tesla was offered very little in the way of remuneration and was also refused a pay rise. Because of their personal and scientific differences, they parted ways after just a year of working together.

The Battle Of DC vs AC

Soon after his departure, Tesla went on to develop his polyphase system of AC dynamos, transformers and motors at Westinghouse Electric Co. Edison believed that DC was the future for electricity distribution – which at the time, was the standard form of electricity supply in the USA. Tesla however, believed that due to the difficulty DC had travelling long distances and its voltage inflexibility, AC would provide the answer by overcoming these issues. With the help of promotional events, including the illumination of the Chicago World Fair in 1893, Tesla finally convinced the nation to adopt AC electricity.

The Tesla Coil

On top of his other inventions, Tesla imagined a method of transmitting electricity around the world without the need for wires or cables. It was here that he unveiled one of his most important inventions – the Tesla Coil – a high-frequency transformer capable of creating a very high voltage at a low current. Early radio antennas were able to harness the ability of the coil, which could transmit and receive radio signals that were tuned to resonate at the same frequency. The coil was so effective that it is still used today in modern day radio technology.

Throughout his lifetime, Tesla had filed over 700 patents, although many of ideas weren’t brought to fruition. He made a profound impact in the scientific world and with his invention of AC electricity, helped Thomas Edison bring the electric light bulb to the masses.


If you are interested in the study of Sciences, Oxford Home Schooling offers a number of courses to do so, at a variety of levels. You can see them below, and can Contact Us Here.

Science Key Stage 3

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Biology IGCSE

Chemistry IGCSE

Human Biology IGCSE

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Science IGCSE

The Power To Transform The Future Of Genetic Engineering

In the field of science, few breakthroughs have sparked as much excitement and intrigue as CRISPR-Cas9. It’s probably not something you will have heard of, but is in fact a revolutionary genetic tool that has the potential to transform the future of genetic engineering, and thereby our lives. It is not without its critics or problems, as we will come to, but firstly, what exactly does CRISPR stand for?

CRISPR is short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, a system derived from the defence mechanisms of bacteria and archaea (microorganisms) against viruses. It was discovered relatively recently, but its applications have far-reaching implications for medicine, agriculture, and beyond.

Cas9 And Revolutionary Medical Applications

The core of the CRISPR system is the Cas9 protein, an enzyme capable of precisely cutting DNA strands at specific locations. What makes CRISPR-Cas9 truly remarkable is its ability to be programmed to target and edit specific genes within an organism’s genome. This level of precision was previously unimaginable. It offers a powerful means to address genetic diseases, develop new therapies, and modify organisms for various other purposes.

One of the most significant applications of CRISPR technology is in the realm of genetic medicine. In the past, treating genetic diseases often involved complex and invasive procedures. Now, with CRISPR-Cas9, scientists can potentially correct the genetic mutations that cause diseases such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and muscular dystrophy. The implications for patients and their families are profound, offering hope for a future where these debilitating conditions could be effectively treated or even prevented.


Beyond medical applications, CRISPR holds enormous promise for aiding the Agricultural sector. It offers a way to engineer crops that are more resilient to pests, diseases, and environmental stress – an increasingly common problem. By modifying genes responsible for plant growth and disease resistance, scientists hope to develop crops that can thrive in challenging conditions and contribute to global food security. However, this technology also raises ethical questions and concerns about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that need to be addressed as it continues to advance.

CRISPR has even found its way into the realm of environmental conservation. Scientists are exploring the use of gene editing to help threatened or endangered species adapt to changing habitats, resist diseases, and overcome challenges to their survival. While this application remains in its early stages, it offers a new dimension to wildlife conservation efforts.

Ethical Issues Surrounding CRISPR

To further the point, as with any transformative technology, CRISPR comes with ethical considerations. The ability to manipulate the genetic code of living organisms raises questions about potential misuse and unforeseen consequences. There are concerns about designer babies, gene doping in sports, and the very alteration of the human germline that could have permanent effects on future generations. As scientists and policymakers navigate these ethical waters, it is crucial to ensure responsible and transparent use of CRISPR technology.

Promise, Innovation And Careful Thought

CRISPR is a powerful tool that holds immense potential to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges. As we venture further into the era of genetic engineering, we must carefully balance the incredible promise of CRISPR with ethical considerations and a commitment to responsible innovation. The power of CRISPR is transforming the way we think about genetic engineering, offering hope for a healthier, more sustainable, and genetically edited future. So long as we are careful in monitoring its development, it should bring us great benefit.

When the Sun Attacked the Earth

On September 1st 1859, as the skies turned red and their technologies failed them, the entire population was left stunned, confused and terrified as the earth was brought to a halt by an unknown celestial force. Over the course of the next twenty-four hours, many would come to think the apocalypse was at hand.

When Night Became Day

Vivid reds witnessed in Sweden, green on the west coast of the United States and purple in Australia. Reports came in from various parts of the world, including the Caribbean and even areas close to the equator. Witnesses described the night sky as being ablaze with colours, shifting from one to the next as they surged like waves in the sky. From here, things only took a turn for the even more bizarre. The lights were so bright it was as if night had become day. People in the affected areas were waking up, thinking it was morning, only to be halfway to work realising that it wasn’t the sun in the sky, but something far stranger. It was so bright that birds were singing at midnight and people were reading newspapers. Confusion soon turned to fear, as people’s superstitions got the better of them. Many interpreted the lights in the sky as divine omens and signs of the end times. More than a few people were locked up for their own safety as they succumbed to the madness, convinced the apocalypse was at hand, and tried to convince others of their lunacy. The strangeness didn’t stop there.

Literally Quite Shocking

It wasn’t just the people that these mysterious lights were disrupting. Beyond the celestial light show, more peculiar incidents unfolded. Telegraph systems, the cutting-edge communication technology of the time, experienced unprecedented interference. Operators reported receiving electric shocks, telegraph lines sparking, and even telegraph paper catching fire. In some instances, for the sake of safety, operators were instructed to disconnect their machines from their batteries. And yet, despite the telegraph systems being disconnected from their power sources, the operators soon found that messages could still be transmitted and continued to do so! By the time the evening of September 2nd had come around, the phenomenon was all but over. But people were still left with questions, wondering just what in the name of God had happened over the previous 24 hours. Nobody had a clue. Well, almost nobody.

Enter: Carrington

The man in the know was Richard Christopher Carrington, a British astronomer who had come across the answers the day before the cosmic event. Carrington was at his private observatory at Redhill, Surrey. While sketching sunspots, he witnessed an intense brightening, marking the first recorded observation of a solar flare. This event, later known as the Carrington Event, proved instrumental in advancing our understanding of solar activity.

After Carrington realised the significance of his observations he promptly communicated his findings to the scientific community. He documented his observations and sent a letter to the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) detailing the solar flare and its subsequent effects on Earth. In his letter to the RAS, dated November 1st, 1859, he provided a thorough account of the solar flare he had observed. The description included details of the flare’s appearance and duration.

Carrington’s letter to the Royal Astronomical Society was presented at a meeting on November 10th, 1859. His work received recognition and acclaim from his peers, establishing him as a prominent figure in the field of solar astronomy. As the news of his finding spread, it soon became known as the Carrington Event and went on to become a pivotal moment in the study of space weather and solar-terrestrial interactions. Despite the limitations in technology at the time, Carrington’s meticulous documentation and prompt communication of his findings laid the foundation for future research in solar astronomy. The Carrington Event remains one of the most studied space weather events in history, and Carrington’s contributions continue to be acknowledged in the scientific community. But just what exactly was happening?

The Carrington Event Explained

It was no celestial being laying siege to the planet, nor was it a message from God or a supernatural force, or a world-ending event. The reality was far less exciting. The Carrington Event was a solar flare of exceptional intensity. Following the solar flare, a massive coronal mass ejection (CME) occurred. CMEs involve the expulsion of a vast amount of solar material, including charged particles and magnetic fields, into space. In the case of the Carrington Event, this CME was particularly powerful and directed toward Earth.

The Northern Lights, Everywhere

The Northern Lights, scientifically known as auroras, are breathtaking natural light displays that usually occur near the Earth’s polar regions. These lights are caused by the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere. As a result of the solar storm, there were now a lot more of these charged particles hitting the earth’s atmosphere, all over it in fact. As a result, these auroras were witnessed across the globe during the event. Fortunately for those who were panicking, the lights were not in fact, signs of the end times. The brightness of these particles reacting with the Earth’s atmosphere was also the reason for night becoming day.

Telegraph System Disruptions

In the mid-19th century, telegraph systems were the primary means of long-distance communication. The geomagnetic storm induced electrical currents in telegraph lines, causing malfunctions and disruptions. These charged particles in the air were what were responsible for the shocks, the fires, and for the telegraph equipment continuing to function even when disconnected from power sources. The Carrington Event highlighted the vulnerability of emerging technologies to space weather.

What About Today?

The event demonstrated the vulnerability of emerging technologies to space weather and has hinted at the potential risks for modern electronic infrastructure. Our technology has come a long way in the past 150 years, and we are a lot more reliant on electricity now than we were back then. Today, our interconnected world relies heavily on satellites, power grids, and electronic systems, all of which are susceptible to the impact of severe space weather events. Just what could happen if such an event were to occur today? Though purely speculative, there are two likely scenarios that would occur:

The Best Case

With all the technology we have today, we have the tools to monitor the sun’s behaviour. Should a CME be likely to occur, we’d have a warning of it. With that information, it would be very easy to insulate the planet from any adverse effects of the solar storm. It would involve some minor disruption to the public, as power grids would need to be taken offline for the duration of the event in order to protect them. Power systems can’t be fried if there’s no power running through them. People would have to read a book for a day or two instead of accessing Netflix or TikTok, but Earth would come through the storm unscathed.

The Worst Case

Let’s imagine a huge CME hits the planet with no warning. Any electrical system in operation would be fried – meaning pretty much all of the bug power grids across the globe. There would be mass blackouts, resulting in infrastructure falling apart pretty rapidly. Traffic lights, hospitals, cooling systems and the internet are just a few of the things that would be rendered useless. There would be mass panic, and certainly a lot of casualties too. It’s fair to say it would be an end-of-the-world situation, and it’s likely that society would fall apart if that much infrastructure unravelled. Fortunately, there are people working hard to prevent this from happening.


Given the potential impact of severe space weather on modern technological systems, there are ongoing research and monitoring efforts to better understand solar activity and improve our ability to predict and mitigate the effects of space weather events. Organisations like NASA and space agencies around the world continuously monitor the Sun to provide early warnings and protect critical infrastructure from the potential consequences of intense solar activity.

Severe space weather events are relatively rare on a human timescale. The frequency of such events depends on the solar cycle, which is an approximately 11-year cycle during which the Sun goes through periods of high and low solar activity. While less intense space weather events occur more frequently, events on the scale of the Carrington Event are estimated to have a return period of roughly once every 150-500 years. It’s also important to note that these estimates are based on historical records and reconstructions, as direct observations of such events are limited to the relatively recent past when our technological capabilities allowed for detailed monitoring of solar activity.

Assuming it’s 150 years, any mathematician will tell you that means we are a decade overdue. Bear that in mind the next time you think about leaving your plugs switched on.

A Historical Overview of A World-Altering Weapon

The atomic bomb, a devastating and world-altering weapon, has left an indelible mark on history, having been created during the turbulent years of World War II.

The development of the atomic bomb began in the early 1940s under the code name “The Manhattan Project.” This ambitious endeavor aimed to harness the power of nuclear fission and convert it into a weapon with unprecedented destructive capabilities. Driven by fears that Nazi Germany might develop such a weapon first, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada collaborated on the top-secret project.

The Man Behind The Atomic Bomb

At the forefront of the scientific efforts was J. Robert Oppenheimer, an exceptional theoretical physicist known for his brilliance and leadership.

Born in New York City, Oppenheimer displayed exceptional intellectual abilities from a young age. He attended Harvard University, where he excelled in both chemistry and physics, earning his doctorate in physics at the age of 23.

After completing his studies, Oppenheimer conducted groundbreaking research in quantum mechanics and theoretical physics. He became a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he continued to make significant contributions to the field.

In the 1930s, Oppenheimer became deeply involved in left-wing political activities and championed social causes, which attracted the attention of the U.S. government. By the end of the decade, however, his expertise and leadership skills had drawn a different kind of government attention, leading him to be chosen as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project, a position that would define his legacy and forever change the course of history. Oppenheimer’s exceptional intellect and organisational skills made him the ideal choice to head the project. He assembled a team of brilliant scientists, including Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, and Niels Bohr, among others.

Despite all his work for the government, not long after the project, Oppenheimer was tried by Congress and had his security clearances revoked, following allegations of feeding nuclear secrets to the Soviets.

The Devastating Use Of the Atomic Bomb

The first and only time the atomic bomb was used in warfare was during World War II. On August 6, 1945, the U.S. dropped the first atomic bomb, codenamed “Little Boy,” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, instantly killing an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 people and levelling the city. Three days later, on August 9, 1945, a second atomic bomb, codenamed “Fat Man,” was dropped on Nagasaki, causing a similar level of destruction and killing approximately 40,000 people.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain deeply controversial to this day. Supporters argue that they hastened Japan’s surrender, potentially saving countless lives that might have been lost in a prolonged conflict. However, critics question the morality of using such a catastrophic weapon, given its horrendous impact on civilian populations and the long-term health effects on survivors.

A Shadow Over Past And Present

The atomic bomb and the pivotal role played by J. Robert Oppenheimer in its creation have left an indelible mark on history. The bomb’s devastating power and its use on Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought about the end of World War II but also ushered in a new era of nuclear proliferation and global tensions.

The legacy of the atomic bomb serves as a stark reminder of humanity’s capacity for destruction and the urgent need for peaceful resolutions to conflicts. What was made out of a need to end a war also served to make the world a lot more complicated. And feeling a lot less safe. One can only hope these weapons are never used again.

Stephenson’s Rocket is a technical masterpiece and an iconic symbol, reflecting the Industrial Revolution and the rapid advancements in railway technology during the 19th century. Its innovative design and performance not only shaped the future of steam locomotion, but also paved the way for the development of modern railway systems and the transportation industry as we know it.

Humble Beginnings

Born in England in 1781, George Stephenson was an English engineer and inventor who came from a modest background. Despite receiving little education, his pioneering work in locomotive design and railway construction broke new ground and led to him being referred to as the “Father of Railways”.

In 1814, Stephenson built his first locomotive, the Blücher, for the Killingworth Colliery railway. He focused on enhancing locomotive power and efficiency through various design modifications, the introduction of larger boilers, improved steam generation and increased power output. Stephenson constantly looked for ways to improve his designs and experimented with different configurations to further increase optimisation.

The Birth Of Stephenson’s Rocket

In 1829, Stephenson’s hard work and experimentation paid off with his most famous locomotive of all time, Stephenson’s Rocket. It featured several innovative design elements, including a multi-tube boiler, a steam blast pipe and a separate firebox.

Water heated inside the boiler by the firebox was converted into steam, travelling into cylinders located on either side of the locomotive. The high pressure created as the steam expanded drove the locomotive’s pistons which were in turn connected to the driving wheels, thereby converting thermal energy from the steam to mechanical energy to power the locomotive forward. The role of the steam blast pipe was to redirect the exhaust steam into the smokestack. This action created a partial vacuum, enhancing the draught which pulled more air through the firebox, thereby increasing combustion efficiency.

Stephenson knew that to achieve an efficient locomotion, the thrust generated by the expanding steam had to be sufficient to overcome the combined effects of friction and resistance. He successfully demonstrated his Rocket’s speed, power and fuel efficiency when he won the Rainhill Trials, organised by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Stephenson’s Rocket reached a top speed of 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour and established the viability of steam locomotion for public railway services.

A New Future For The Rail Industry

George Stephenson’s vision, engineering skills and relentless pursuit of innovation revolutionised transportation, enabling faster and more efficient movement of goods and people. His engineering achievements laid the foundation for the widespread adoption of railways worldwide and earned him a prominent place in history. The original Rocket can be seen on temporary display at the Locomotion museum in Shildon while its former home at the National Railway Museum in York undergoes renovations.

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What do you think of when you hear the name Alan Turing?

Some consider him the founding father of modern computer science; others associate him with the Turing machine – a precursor to the first computer. For others, his name is synonymous with the endless possibilities of humankind. Perhaps for this reason alone, he remains an inspirational figure.


Born in London in 1912, Turing attended Sherborne School in Dorset between 1926-1931. Turing’s school days have informed the backdrop of the 2014 Morten Tyldum film The Imitation Game starring Benedict Cumberbatch. During this time, Turing is a shy but academically gifted student whose friendship with a boy called Christopher will go on to inspire an invention that changes the world.

While studying for his PhD at Princeton University, Turing began to develop what we now call the Turing Test, a method of determining if a machine can think like a human being through a verbal conversation. The Turing Test was a substantial breakthrough, as no previous mechanism had ever been devised to measure machine intelligence to that capability.

Alan Turing And The Advent Of The Computer Age

In 1937, Turing published a paper which laid the groundwork for modern computing known as the ‘Universal Turing Machine’. This paper laid down principles that modelled a computing machine’s behaviour. The paper demonstrated that an appropriately programmed machine could simulate any physical computing.

Turing also developed the concept of ‘Turing machines’, now the basis of most computers.

These machines used switches and electric circuits to store information, allowing them to solve problems, operate more quickly and accurately, and complete complex operations much faster than humans. He also provided a conception of what we would now term ‘algorithm’, which we still use today to describe a set of instructions for a computer.

World War II was especially consequential for Alan Turing, as he helped to decipher Nazi codes during the conflict. By interpreting these codes, he helped to shorten the war by two years and saved up to 14 million lives. His artificial intelligence breakthroughs also led to the creation of the first programmable computer, the ‘Manchester Baby’.

Personal Tragedy

Unfortunately, Alan Turing’s life was destined tor tragic conclusion. Turing was a gay man living in the 1950s – when homosexuality was illegal. The British Police subsequently investigated him for homosexuality, and he was chemically castrated. It is believed that this contributed to his death by suicide in 1954. Queen Elizabeth II posthumously pardoned Alan Turing in 2013 following a public outcry concerning how the government treated him.

Despite facing unthinkable discrimination, Turing’s tremendous contributions to computer science and mathematics were impossible to ignore. He proved that anything is possible by frequently pushing boundaries and taking risks. His legacy lives on through his achievements and is a significant pillar of STEM education today.

Alan Turing’s ambition and brilliance exemplify the value of continuously innovating and expanding computing and artificial intelligence. He consistently redefined the limits of computing and achieved success from pure creativity and determination. His memory should continue to inspire future generations to strive for excellence and think outside the box. In Turing’s words:

“Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.”