How to get the most out of home schooling

In many ways, revising as a home schooled student has its advantages. You’re already used to doing your learning at home, and you’re probably used to working under your own direction. Revision is the ideal opportunity to put the skills you’ve learned to good use.

However, there are challenges too. You may find it harder to revise subjects that need a partner (such as foreign language practice), and you’ll need to rely on your own motivation more than ever before. But with some forward planning and dedication, there’s no reason revision has to be any harder than usual.

Plan revision sessions with friends

Revision can be isolating for everyone, home and conventionally schooled alike! Break things up by arranging regular study sessions with friends, whether at home or at a library.

As well as being an opportunity to test your knowledge on someone else, it’s a good way to pick up tips and fresh perspectives on revising. Study groups are also a great place to discuss past exam questions. When you work through problems together you not only benefit from new ideas, but help everyone else to reduce their exam anxiety too!

Another important aspect of group study is teaching and revision technique. Take a subject you’re confident in and try teaching it to your study partner. You’ll quickly identify any areas you need to brush up on, and it’ll help you clarify your ideas, which can be especially helpful in essay-orientated subjects.How to get the most out of home schooling

Your tutor is there for you

Don’t forget that your tutor is there to help every step of the way. Arrange a session with them to talk about your revision plan ahead of time, and make a list of any subjects and topics you think you might find difficult.

If anything comes up during your revision that you can’t tackle by yourself and your tutor isn’t there to help, don’t let it grind things to a halt. Instead, note it down and carry on with something you can do. Contact your tutor as soon as you can so that you can work through any gaps like these together.

Use all the resources available to you

As well as reading your course books, think about other ways to revise. You might find recording your notes on your smartphone and playing them back during a bus journey or whenever you get a moment helps. Revising the same information in different ways, through reading, listening and doing, can really help things stick.

How to get the most out of home schooling

Don’t forget that past exam papers are freely available to you through your exam board’s website too. Download a few and set aside some time to do some mock exams – not only will this help you identify areas you need to work on, but it might help you conquer exam nerves too!