What Are The Most Influential Languages In The World?

Before discussing the most influential languages, we must outline what makes a language influential. The influence of languages can be determined through various factors such as the number of speakers, economic power associated with speakers, cultural impact, political significance, and global usage. This is perhaps the classic and most logical way to assess a language’s global influence.
Modern technology has allowed an even more sophisticated answer to the question of a language’s influence. In what was a truly big data analysis, a group of scholars at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) looked at over 2.2 million book translations between 1979 and 2011 from over 150 countries and over a thousand languages, 382 million Wikipedia edits in 238 languages by 2.5 million editors, and finally reviewed 550 million tweets in 73 languages from over 17 million users! This analysis led them to postulate that the influence level of a language is less about the language itself but about how it connects to others.

It’s Not All English!

Their visio-spatial charts presented on the world economic forum website show clearly that English, with over 1.5 billion speakers and being the most heavily translated in the world, was the most actively connected and influential language. However, their research didn’t point to a dominant language after English but showed German, French, Spanish, and Japanese were the most heavily translated into and from English, and this seemed to be the next most influential cohort.

What About Chinese?

Being the second most spoken language with 1 billion speakers, it begs the question as to why Chinese isn’t the second most influential language. In fact it is due to what is termed ‘linguistic isolation’ because its usage is limited to networks such as Sina Weibo (Chinese Twitter) and Baidu Baike (Chinese Wikipedia). Russia has a similar form of linguistic isolation via VK (Russian Facebook).


This research also showed that informal communication channels like Twitter have been allowing less widely spoken languages to rise in influence. Swahili, Malay, and Filipino were over-represented on Twitter given the numbers of actual speakers.


If you are interested in studying a language, Oxford Home Schooling offer courses in French and Spanish at several levels. You can find out more on those available by clicking on the relevant subject listed below. You can also find our Contact Us page here.

French IGCSE

Spanish IGCSE

German IGCSE

French A level

Spanish A level


Learning Another Language

Language is more than just a means of communication; it’s a gateway to new cultures, opportunities, and perspectives. Today, September 26th, we celebrate the European Day of Languages, a day dedicated to recognising the value of multilingualism and language diversity.

In a world so connected, any country on the globe is no more than a few clicks away. With that in mind, the ability to speak multiple languages is a valuable asset that can open doors to personal growth and career success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of being multilingual and where it can take you in your career.

Enhanced Communication Skills

Learning another language is a journey that sharpens your communication skills. Whether you’re conversing with native speakers, navigating through a foreign country, or collaborating with international colleagues, multilingualism enables you to express yourself more effectively and build deeper connections. You not only learn words and grammar but also gain insight into the nuances of culture and social norms, allowing you to communicate more sensitively and persuasively.

Cultural Awareness And Sensitivity

Language and culture are intertwined, and learning a new language often involves immersing yourself in the traditions, values, and customs of a particular community. This exposure fosters cultural awareness and sensitivity, which are invaluable in our globalised world. Being attuned to cultural differences can help you avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications and make a positive impression when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.

Increased Cognitive Abilities

Studies have shown that multilingualism can boost cognitive abilities. Learning and using multiple languages stimulates the brain, improving problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and even delaying age-related cognitive decline. It’s like giving your brain a regular workout, keeping it agile and adaptable.

Career Mobility

Being multilingual can enhance your career mobility. In some industries, opportunities for advancement and leadership positions may be more readily available to those who can communicate with a broader range of people and cultures. Multilingual employees are often considered for international assignments and can work in various regions around the world.

Knowing multiple languages can be a game-changer in the business world. It facilitates effective negotiation, market research, and relationship-building with international clients and partners. Companies often seek multilingual professionals to expand their global reach and compete in international markets.

In a job interview, having proficiency in a second or third language can set you apart from other candidates. Employers see it as a sign of adaptability, dedication, and an ability to take on challenges. It can be the differentiating factor that lands you the job.

Personal Enrichment

Beyond the career benefits, being multilingual is personally enriching. It allows you to enjoy literature, films, music, and art from different cultures in their original forms. It also enables you to connect with people on a deeper level when travelling or engaging in cultural exchanges. Learning another language can be a fulfilling and lifelong pursuit.

Making A Positive Impact

Being multilingual can empower you to make a positive impact on the world. You can volunteer or work for organisations that focus on international development, humanitarian aid, or refugee assistance. Your language skills can be a lifeline for those in need, and you can contribute to bridging linguistic and cultural gaps.

Where You Can Make That Impact

It’s all well and good talking about what you can do but where can you actually put that second (or third) language to good use? As it turns out, there are a fair few places where such a skill is invaluable:

Multinational Corporations: Tech giants, international banks, and automotive companies value employees who can communicate with international clients and partners.

Government Agencies: Foreign ministries, embassies, and customs and border protection agencies require bilingual professionals for international affairs and diplomacy.

International Organisations: The United Nations, WHO, and EU employ multilingual staff to carry out global missions.

Healthcare Institutions: Hospitals, clinics and medical facilities need bilingual medical staff and interpreters.

Educational Institutions: Schools, universities, and language institutes hire bilingual teachers and coordinators for language programs.

Translation and Localisation Companies: Firms specialising in translation and localisation actively seek bilingual professionals.

Nonprofit Organisations: NGOs involved in international development and humanitarian aid rely on bilingual professionals.

Media and Broadcasting: News organisations and media companies seek bilingual journalists and content creators for global coverage.

Start Your Journey Today

The European Day of Languages is a reminder of the rich tapestry of languages that make up our world. Embracing multilingualism is not just about learning words; it’s about embracing the richness of human culture and enhancing your own life in the process.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone passionate about lifelong learning, consider the multitude of benefits that come with being multilingual. It’s a journey that opens doors, fosters understanding, and empowers you to navigate our diverse and interconnected global community with confidence and grace.

So, on this special day, take a moment to celebrate the languages you know and to consider the languages you’d like to explore in the future. Each language you learn is a new world waiting to be discovered, and the journey is as rewarding as the destination. Happy European Day of Languages!

Have you ever wondered how Latin evolved into the Romance languages or why some of us speak with different dialects and use different words and phrases? Language defines who we are, the cultures we live in and help us communicate effectively in an ever-changing world.

We, as human beings, are now more connected globally than ever before through travel, technology, business, art, literature and media. Through this melting pot of cultures, there are suggestions that some languages may be evolving at a faster rate than ever before.

Why Do Languages Evolve?

As our society and culture is forever changing, so too is our need for effective communication. New concepts and ideas, cultural shifts, technology and social dynamics all give rise to language evolution. Through processes known as adaption, borrowing and innovation, new words and expressions may be included, old words may become unfashionable and grammar rules may be modified to help us accurately convey our meaning.

Changing Attitudes

Cultural shifts in values, beliefs and practices can be seen in the categorisation of gender identity and sexual orientation. Where boundaries have become more fluid, societies have striven to be more inclusive and respectful, leading to the adoption of gender-neutral pronoun usage, new terminology such as “non-binary” and inclusive non-gender focused terminology such as ‘police officer’ replacing policeman or policewoman.

Cultural Identity

Language is deeply intertwined with our cultures and society and can explain why some countries, such as Wales, practice language revitalisation to preserve their heritage and avoid the loss of their language forever. They have both played a significant impact on the evolution of the Romance languages from Latin, from foreign substrate languages incorporated from the expansion of the roman empire to the later barbarian invasions of Germanic-speaking tribes after its fall.

Modern Day Influences

Globalisation has increased the level of interactions between our diverse cultures. The advent of writing systems, printing press and digital communication platforms have all significantly impacted the way languages are used and disseminated. New communication platforms like social media have increased the level of language exchange, leading to a rise in informal language use and abbreviations, emojis, memes and cultural appropriations.

Languages also play a significant role on an economic level, where multilingual individuals and societies can engage in international trade, diplomacy, tourism and cultural exchange more effectively. Proficiency in languages can enhance employability and create avenues for business and professional growth in a globalised world.

The Future Of Language

The dynamic nature of language evolution highlights its resilience and adaptability to changing societal needs and contexts, demonstrating that languages are living entities that reflect and respond to the diverse influences and developments within human societies.

A side effect of this evolution is that many minor languages have become endangered or extinct, as speakers shift to those that are more dominant or widely spoken. This can lead to a loss of cultural identity, knowledge and cultural homogenisation. Understanding changes in language can therefore help provide insights into our linguistic past, present and future, helping us to appreciate the rich and complex nature of human communication.

Interested in learning a language while gaining a professional qualification? Oxford Open Learning’s flexible French, German and Spanish IGCSE or French and Spanish A-level accredited distance learning courses can help you learn with greater flexibility. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

Language allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Yet there are moments when words in one language defy direct translation into another. Such words often carry unique cultural and linguistic nuance. Exploring these untranslatable words not only broadens our understanding of different cultures but also offers a glimpse into the intricacies of human existence.


One such example is the German word “Schadenfreude,” which refers to the pleasure derived from someone else’s misfortune. The term encapsulates the complex mix of emotions experienced when witnessing another person’s downfall. While other languages may attempt to describe the concept, “Schadenfreude” embodies the exact sentiment, reflecting the German cultural context and its acknowledgement of this complex human reaction.


In Japanese, the word “komorebi” refers to the interplay of light and leaves when sunlight filters through trees. It evokes a sense of tranquillity, and the word paints a vivid picture of a specific natural phenomenon. Translating “komorebi” as “sunlight through the trees” lacks the poetic essence and the emotional impact of the original word. It exemplifies the unique appreciation of nature in Japanese culture.


Moving to the Spanish language, we find the word “sobremesa,” which refers to the lingering conversation and enjoyment that takes place after a meal. It captures the relaxed atmosphere, the intimate connection between people, and the unhurried enjoyment of each other’s company. “Sobremesa” embodies the importance of socialising and human connection in Spanish-speaking cultures. Untranslatable words often hold cultural and historical significance.


In Arabic, the term “taarof” represents a complex system of social etiquette and politeness. It involves subtle gestures, deference, and a dance of compliments. “Taarof” reflects the intricate social dynamics and the deep-rooted respect ingrained in Middle Eastern cultures.

These examples illustrate how untranslatable words encapsulate unique experiences, emotions, and cultural values that are not easily expressed in other languages. They offer a glimpse into the nuances and idiosyncrasies of different societies, inviting us to appreciate the richness and diversity of human language and experience.

Illuminating The Meaning Behind Untranslatable Words

Furthermore, exploring untranslatable words encourages us to reflect on the limitations of language itself. Each language has its own history, cultural contexts, and semantic subtleties that shape the way people perceive and express the world around them. The existence of untranslatable words asks us to question how well we convey the depth of meaning and cultural nuance between different languages.

In a world increasingly interconnected by globalisation and technology, understanding and appreciating these untranslatable words can foster cultural empathy and open doors to deeper cross-cultural understanding. These words remind us of the beauty and complexity of human experiences, transcending language barriers and connecting us on a fundamental level. They serve as windows into the rich tapestry of our existence, reflecting cultural, emotional, and linguistic nuances that cannot be fully captured in translation.

Have you ever wondered how Latin evolved into the Romance languages or why some of us speak with different dialects and use different words and phrases? Language defines who we are, the cultures we live in and helps us to communicate effectively in an ever-changing world.

We, as human beings, are now more connected globally than ever before through travel, technology, business, art, literature and media. Through this melting pot of cultures, there are suggestions that some languages may be evolving at a faster rate than ever before.

Why Do Languages Evolve?

Our society and culture is forever changing, and so does our needs for effective communication. New concepts and ideas, cultural shifts, technology and social dynamics all give rise to language evolution. Through processes known as adaption, borrowing and innovation, new words and expressions may be included, old words may become unfashionable and grammar rules may be modified to help us accurately convey our meaning.

Changing Attitudes

Cultural shifts in values, beliefs and practices can be seen in the categorisation of gender identity and sexual orientation. Where boundaries have become more fluid, societies have striven to be more inclusive and respectful, leading to the adoption of gender-neutral pronoun usage, new terminology such as “non-binary” and inclusive non-gender focused terminology such as ‘police officer’ replacing policeman or policewoman.

Cultural Identity

Language is deeply intertwined with our cultures and society and can explain why some countries like Wales practice language revitalisation to preserve their heritage and avoid the loss of their language forever. They have both played a significant impact on the evolution of the Romance languages from Latin, from foreign substrate languages incorporated from the expansion of the roman empire to the later barbarian invasions of Germanic-speaking tribes after its fall.

Modern Day Influences

Globalisation has increased the level of interactions between our diverse cultures. The advent of writing systems, printing press and digital communication platforms have all significantly impacted the way languages are used and disseminated. New communication platforms like social media have increased the level of language exchange, leading to a rise in informal language use and abbreviations, emoji’s, memes and cultural appropriations.

Languages also play a significant role on an economic level, where multilingual individuals and societies can engage in international trade, diplomacy, tourism and cultural exchange more effectively. Proficiency in languages can enhance employability and create avenues for business and professional growth in a globalised world.

The Future Of Language

The dynamic nature of language evolution highlights its resilience and adaptability to changing societal needs and contexts, demonstrating that languages are living entities that reflect and respond to the diverse influences and developments within human societies.

A side effect of this evolution is that many minor languages have become endangered or extinct, as speakers shift to more dominant or widely spoken languages. This can lead to a loss of cultural identity, knowledge and cultural homogenisation. Understanding changes in language can therefore help provide insights into our linguistic past, present and future, helping us to appreciate the rich and complex nature of human communication.

Interested in learning a language while gaining a professional qualification? Oxford Open Learning’s flexible French, German and Spanish IGCSE or French and Spanish A-level accredited distance learning courses can help you learn with greater flexibility. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

Language learning is a transformative journey that opens doors to new cultures, enhances communication skills, and broadens horizons. Whether for personal growth, professional opportunities or travel purposes, mastering a new language can be an immensely rewarding experience. In this article, we will explore effective tips and strategies to help you navigate the path to language proficiency and unlock the power of multilingualism.

Set Clear Goals And Stay Motivated

Establishing clear goals is essential when embarking on your journey. Define why you want to learn the language and what level of proficiency you aim to achieve. Setting specific, achievable goals helps maintain focus and motivation throughout the process. Additionally, find personal sources of inspiration, such as connecting with native speakers, exploring their literature or music, or envisioning the doors that subject fluency will open for you.

Immerse Yourself In The Language

Language learning is most effective when you create an immersive environment. Surround yourself with the target language as much as possible. Watch films, TV shows, and documentaries, listen to podcasts or music, and read books, newspapers, or online articles. Immerse yourself in the culture associated with the language, as it helps to understand the context and nuances of what you are learning.

Practice Speaking And Listening

Speaking and listening are crucial aspects of language learning. Find opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners. Engage in conversations, even if you make mistakes, as it is an essential part of the learning process. Listening, whether through conversations, podcasts, or audio resources, helps improve pronunciation, comprehension, and familiarity with the language’s natural rhythm and intonation.

Build Vocabulary And Grammar Skills

Developing a robust vocabulary and understanding grammar structure is fundamental to language proficiency. Create a personalised vocabulary list and practice regularly. Use flashcards, mobile apps, or online resources to expand your word bank. Study verb conjugations, noun cases, sentence patterns, and other grammatical elements, gradually incorporating them into your speaking and writing.

Embrace Language Learning Tools And Resources

Take advantage of the vast array of learning tools and resources available today. Mobile apps like Duolingo, Memrise, or Babbel offer interactive lessons and exercises. Online platforms such as FluentU, Lingoda, or italki provide access to language tutors and virtual classrooms. Language exchange websites like Tandem or HelloTalk connect you with native speakers for conversational practice. These resources can supplement traditional textbooks and courses, making learning more accessible, engaging, and tailored to your needs.

Be Consistent And Practice Regularly

Consistency is key. Dedicate regular time to practice and study, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Short, consistent practice sessions are more effective than sporadic, intensive cramming. Incorporate language learning into your daily routine, whether it’s listening to podcasts during your commute, reviewing vocabulary before bed, or participating in language exchange sessions during your lunch break.

Embrace Mistakes And Learn from Them

Making mistakes is an inevitable part of the process in this subject. However, you should embrace them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Don’t be afraid to speak or write, even if you’re unsure of your abilities. Native speakers appreciate the effort, and feedback from others can help identify areas for such improvement. Treat mistakes as valuable stepping stones on your language learning journey.

Mastering a new language is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. But by setting clear goals, immersing yourself in the subject, practicing speaking and listening, you will gradually build up a good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar skills. And then, if you take a holiday beyond the English-speaking world, you may find it all the more enjoyable!


Oxford Home Schooling offers the chance to learn several languages itself. You can take a look by clicking on any of the links below.

French IGCSE

German IGCSE

Spanish IGCSE

French A level

Spanish A level

Spanish Key Stage 3


Exams are, finally, over; revision notes are packed away, shredded, passed on to your sibling, or thrown on the BBQ; the endless balmy days of a British summer lie ahead of you. You can lounge in the sun, meet up with friends, and you don’t have to worry about setting an alarm. And then… and then… results day looms, that day in August* when you will open the envelope, or the message, and find out how well you have done. It’s nerve-wracking. It’s anxiety-inducing. It’s a day that some people would rather not have to deal with. But fear not. It’s not as bad as you think.

It is natural to feel concerned and worried ahead of receiving your exams results. In fact, it is healthy to feel a certain amount of anxiety about different life events. However, spending a lot of your waking hours, and maybe even being kept awake at night due to worrying, is not helpful. So if you are likely to suffer with anxiety in the run-up to your results day in August, the three top tips below might be of use.

What’s Done Is Done

Once you’ve finished your exams, you need to try and remember that there isn’t anything more you can do about results at that point. Some people forensically go back through their responses, they question their friends, they ask their tutors. In reality, it’s done. So, try and put your concerns on the shelf and move on to the next challenge, or relax.

Exams Results Are Not The End Of The World

Exams results days are important, yes, and can dictate what you do next – for example, A-Levels or university. However, if you are anxious about not doing as well as you would like, just remember: whatever results you receive, it will not mean the end of the world. Okay, so they may affect what you do next, albeit temporarily, but you can retake your exams, or maybe even your plans must change – and this might not be a bad thing. Try to rationalise the situation, it will make you feel better.

Enjoy Some “Me” Time

Feeling anxious about an upcoming event can be horrible. So, if you are affected by anxiety like this, try and build in some activities which can help to alleviate such feelings. You might take a walk in the fresh air, appreciate the environment around you. Maybe you get stuck into a good book, or go and kick a football around with your friends. Sitting around dwelling on a potential future situation is not healthy for you mentally or physically – and ‘escaping’ from this mindset in some way can be hugely beneficial.

So, if you start to feel anxious with exam results day looming, try to divert yourself. You’ll feel a whole lot better if you do.

*18th August, Exams Results for A-Level, and 25th August for GCSE.

Parlez-vous Français? Celebrating French Language Day!

March the 20th is French Language Day – also known as ‘International Francophonie Day’. In 2010, a division of the United Nations (UN) launched the occasion to itself mark the anniversary of the formation of the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT) in Niamey, Niger in 1970. And now on this day, clubs and organisations worldwide hold events to speak, listen and celebrate all things French language.

French is a Romance language, meaning that historically it originates from Latin. The first known documents to be written in French are the Strasbourg Oaths, which date back to 842. And though the language was once appreciated for its heady mix of culture, love and creativity – the UN advocates that nowadays, the French language is a key medium for promoting humanism and democracy.

Alongside English, French is one of the UN’s two ‘working’ languages out of its six official languages. All six languages are promoted and celebrated with their own language day throughout the year, as on a broader scale the UN is keen to promote language diversity as well as the value of using language as a catalyst to find common ground and unity. There are around 300 million French speakers worldwide, across every continent. French is the official language of 29 countries including Belgium, Niger, The Republic of the Congo, Canada to name but a few. French is becoming increasingly used within business and politics and according to a Forbes article penned in 2014 (link below), could potentially be the language of the future…

Why Learn French?

While learning a new language can seem a daunting prospect, there are huge and varied benefits to learning French. These include business, travel and study opportunities, as a basis for learning other languages in the same Romantic group (namely Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish) and improving memory function. So, if you’re considering learning French for the first time or like me, keen to pick up where you left off post-school (many, many years ago in my case), then why not give it a go? Besides, I take some comfort in noting there are quite a few less words in the French dictionary than the English!


Languages to Learn to Get Ahead in Business I Oxford Open Learning (ool.co.uk)

BBC – Languages – French – A Guide to French – 10 facts about the French language

Francophonie – International Francophonie Day (March 20) – French Language and Francophonie Week (March 17-25) – Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (diplomatie.gouv.fr)

International Francophonie Day (unesco.org)

French Speaking Countries | Francophone Countries 2022 (worldpopulationreview.com)

Want To Know The Language Of The Future? The Data Suggests It Could Be…French (forbes.com)

French language | Origin, History, Grammar, & Speakers | BritannicaCelebrate UN French Language Day – Language Magazine


Deborah Caine also writes personalised poems. For those interested, you can find her here: http://www.poembespoke.com/


As well as being a great skill to have which can improve your job prospects and enhance your experience as a world traveller, learning another language has numerous benefits for our cognitive development. But which language is the best to learn? Let’s take a look at three of the most common European languages taught in UK schools and consider some of the benefits of learning each.


1. French is the only language, apart from English which is spoken in all five continents and is the 7th most widely spoken language in the world with around 270 million speakers*. It is an official language in 29 countries including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and many Central and Western African countries.
2. France has the 7th biggest economy in the world**, meaning that lots of international businesses have dealings in the country. Knowing French could have huge benefits for anybody wishing to work for a company with economic interests in France.
3. French is a working language and an official language at a number of high-profile international organisations including the United Nations, the European Union, UNESCO and NATO. Proficiency in French is essential for anybody considering a career within any such organisation.
4. More than half of modern English vocabulary is derived from French, meaning that French may not prove to be as difficult to learn as you might expect. As a Romance language it also provides a good basis for learning other languages such as Spanish, Italian and Romanian.
5. French remains the most studied language in UK schools and so it is likely that you will have done at least a little bit of French at school, so you won’t be starting completely from scratch if you choose to learn French.


1. After Mandarin and Hindi, Spanish has the largest population of native speakers with a figure of around 460 million, and there are 530 million Spanish speakers worldwide*.
2. Spanish is an official language in 21 countries including Mexico, most Central American countries, and a number of countries in South America. Spanish is also widely spoken in the United States with around 16% of the population speaking the language. Knowing Spanish is, therefore, a valuable skill when working or travelling in the Americas.
3. There are around 20,000 English-Spanish cognates. Cognates are words that have derived from the same source and so have the same or similar spelling, meaning and pronunciation in both languages. Spanish has more English cognates than most commonly learnt languages, making it super easy to quickly learn lots of Spanish vocabulary.
4. Spanish pronunciation is pretty straightforward as most words are pronounced the way they’re spelled. This makes speaking Spanish a slightly less daunting task than other languages.
5. Spanish is an exciting language to learn. Across the world there are numerous variations and dialects which at first may seem daunting, but can provide an interesting insight into the culture and history of different Spanish-speaking countries.


1. With nearly 80 million native speakers, German is the most native-spoken language in Europe. It is also the second most spoken language in Europe after English with 36% of Europeans being able to speak German.
2. German is an official language in many European countries such as Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. German is also widely spoken in a number of other European countries such as Romania and Russia. So, if you’re planning to work or travel in Europe, German is possibly the top choice of language to learn.
3. German is, as you may guess, considered a Germanic language, putting it in the same language family as English. There are many more similarities between German and English than you might initially think and learning German should be easier for English speakers than other European languages. Other Germanic languages include Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and Afrikaans.
4. Historically, German speakers have contributed a lot to science and culture and some of the world’s most renowned philosophers, artists and scientists have hailed from German-speaking countries. Examples include Sigmund Freud, Einstein, Nietzsche, Goethe and Mozart. If you have a particular interest in European art, culture and science, learning German could open up some interesting literary and research avenues.
5. Germany is the world’s 4th largest economy** with many of the world’s leading corporations, such as BMW, Audi and Volkswagen calling Germany their home. Due to its diverse, multicultural and creative population, Berlin is often dubbed “the Silicon Valley of Europe” and so business and job opportunities for inspiring young entrepreneurs are potentially rife in Germany. On top of that, German speakers stand to earn significantly more money compared to speakers of other European languages, with a salary bonus of around €125,000 according to a study by The Economist.

*Figures according to Babbel.com
**Figures according to worldometers.info

Learning a new language can be a fantastic way of training your brain. Yet the idea of learning a new language, especially when you’re learning it from the beginning, seems anything but simple. You will have to pick up new grammar, memorise vocabulary and practice speaking. The internet has made language learning much more available, however, offering both general, more casual courses and academic qualifications such as with Oxford Home Schooling. In fact, today it is possible to learn most languages and other subjects besides online, as long as you have the discipline and determination to achieve something with dedication and effort. With this in mind, here are 3 ways to help you in learning a new language online.

1) Download A Language App

Apps such as Duolingo and other cool programmes have provided choice to a range of people who were previously unable to access foreign language education. Here, to learn a new language all you need is a smartphone; these apps provide amazing online lessons with tutors from their native countries. This is a great way to pick up a new language from the comfort of your own home.

2) Find A Foreign Pen Pal

What better way to learn a language than to have an actual conversation with a native speaker? Organised online chat rooms and forums are great places to find new friends that speak the language you want to learn. Simply sign up to these online meeting places to find pen pals that will write to you in their own language, and you can teach them yours too. The internet is a fantastic way to connect to native speakers across the world!

3) Scheduling Video Calls With Foreign Language Learners

If stuck inside, now might be a good idea to join Facebook or Twitter group for foreign language learners. Even though you cannot physically meet foreign people, you can easily schedule a call with someone who is trying to learn your language, and have a one-to-one dialogue via Skype or Zoom. These interactive sessions help you make new friends and become more comfortable speaking to someone in another language.

There are so many ways to learn a new language online today. The growth of technology in the educational field has transformed the way in which people learn and access educational courses. This is particularly true for languages, an area in which the growth of mobile apps and interactive software has provided lots of choice to people who were previously unable to access foreign language education. Do not be afraid to start today!


You can follow the links below to access just some of the Foreign Pen Pal and Forum sources that are available;

