Gavin Crewe, Author at Homeschooling

    Articles by Gavin Crewe

    The Mona Lisa

    Famous Paintings And Their Stories

    The Mona Lisa has seen a colourful past; it has hung in Napoleon Bonaparte’s bedchamber and was also stolen from the Louvre in Paris in 1911.

    The Olympics

    The Olympics And Its Cultural Significance

    When attempts were made in the late 19th century to bring the games back, it was Baron Pierre de Coubertin who organised the start of the modern games during the first Olympic congress in 1894 at Sorbonne University, Paris.


    The Lost Civilisations Of The Americas

    The time of the Incan empire began in Peru in the 1200s and was the largest empire of the ancient Americas.


    The History Of Currency

    Paper money is believed to have originated in ancient China.


    The International Mathematical Olympiad

    Mathematics competitions began between schools in the Austro-Hungarian empire in the 19th century.


    The History Of Education

    One of the earliest records of education can be traced back to around 3500 BC, where Egyptian priests would strengthen and preserve their culture by retaining strict, traditional thinking.

    The metaverse

    The Metaverse

    The metaverse will forever change how we interact with each other, from how we work to how we socialise and entertain ourselves.


    Origami Beyond Art

    The practice of origami has found many novel and practical uses in our modern-day age.


    DNA: The Blueprint Of Life

    We can think of DNA as a large book containing all of our genetic information.

    May Day.

    The Origins Of May Day

    May Day is thought to have originated the Roman festival Floralia, an event dedicated to the goddess Flora.