Vicky Chilton, Author at Homeschooling - Page 3 of 4

    Articles by Vicky Chilton

    Blended Learning

    What Is Blended Learning?

    Research suggests that Blended Learning increases the effectiveness and efficiency of meaningful learning experiences.

    Mental Health

    Mental Health Tips for Online Students

    It’s important to make time in your busy schedule to tend to your mental health. After all, we’re human beings, not doings.

    Distance learning

    6 Reasons Distance Learning Could be For You

    Distance learning gives you the flexibility to fit studies around your responsibilities and your family’s needs, in your own time.


    Einstein: 5 Inspirational Quotes for World Pi Day

    Einstein’s thought-provoking quotes on education still inspire us today. Here are 5 of his best…


    Twitter Accounts to Learn From

    Looking for a daily fix of learning, from History to Psychology? These are my top 5 must-follow Twitter accounts…

    Helen Keller

    Helen Keller Quotes to Inspire Everyone

    During her life, Keller formed a friendship with American humourist, novelist, and travel writer, Mark Twain.


    Mastering Mindfulness: The Eye of the Storm

    Mindfulness is a simple yet effective approach to help us deal with stress, anxiety and other related issues.


    Why Good Numeracy Counts

    Poor numeracy also comes at a price. It is estimated that it costs the UK economy an eye-watering £20 billion each year.


    Closing the Creativity Gap

    Creativity is more in demand than ever before in the workplace.


    What is Lifelong Learning?

    With technology developing at pace and a shortage of young people choosing to pursue STEM subjects, how do we remain competitive in the global economic market?