How are exams structured in the UK

All of Oxford Home Schooling’s GCSE, IGCSE and A level courses are set and marked by one of the three largest examination boards in the UK;

  • Pearson/Edexcel
  • AQA
  • OCR

The exam boards provide their exam papers to examination centres, which will then be responsible for administering the examinations to their pupils and to any private candidates they accept.  Oxford Home Schooling’s Students will be private candidates in most instances.  A summary of the organisations that are involved in the setting, administration and regulation of exams is shown below.

When arranging examinations your contract for services is with the examination centre and all of your contact needs to be via them.

What are your responsibilities?

Students must be booked into a registered examination centre to take an exam. Oxford Home Schooling cannot do this for you. We will provide you with as much help and support as possible but it is your responsibility to find your own exam centre and enter with them. Your contract for examination services is with the examination centre and all of your contacts need to be via them.  The examination centre’s contract is with the examination board and if necessary it will contact the examination board on your behalf.

The only exceptions are subjects with an NEA or coursework (this would be A level English Language, English Literature or History and GCSE English) where the entering procedure is different and explained in full in our information on NEA.