“An Education Saved”

Our daughter was taken ill in year 7 and over the next three years missed a lot of schooling due to her health. School became a phobia, so much so that towards the end of year 9 we looked at alternatives. It was then we discovered Oxford Open Learning.

Starting with them in the September of what would have been year 10, we found the support we received so much better than we had enjoyed from her school. The course packs were first class and the help from tutors second to none. Indeed, our daughter developed distance relationships with those tutors she had found impossible to achieve with teachers at her school. It really was one to one attention with queries answered promptly and clearly.

Obviously the proof of the pudding is in the eating and along came GCSE examinations. Result was five A-C passes including Maths, English and Science, the very standard of achievement by which schools are measured.

On to A levels and again the tutors were excellent guiding her through her AS and A2 level with an A* grade for her favourite subject, English Literature, and enough UCAS points overall to have her offer to read English at university confirmed.

What more can one ask for?